Wednesday 27 November 2013

African wild dogs

African wild dogs weigh 55 to 70 pounds. They live 10 to 12 years. African wild dogs eat gazelles and impalas. They live in savannas and woodlands in Africa. African wild dogs sometimes hunt in day light and the evening but mostly in the moonlight. African wild dog spit up because they can get more catches like that. They can reach 60 kilometers per hour during the chase. As soon as a they catch up to their prey it will pull it down if its small enough. If they prey is bigger it will slash its rump to slow it down until more dogs catch up.     

Sunday 24 November 2013

Ring tailed lemurs

Ringed tailed lemurs live in the forests of Madagascar. Each troop keeps to it's own part of the forest. If you ever see a gathering of lemurs some standing with tails upright and others sitting down to watching it is probably a peaceable border dispute between the two troops from neighbouring territories. 

Tuesday 5 November 2013


Monkeys keep them selves clean by grooming each other. Monkeys live in trees, grasslands, high plains, forests and mountains. Monkeys could be extinct in the next 60 years because of habitat loss, especially the ones that live in tropical forests. Monkeys eat fruit, plants animals and some eat dirt. Howler monkeys spend 80% of their time resting. Howler monkeys are the loudest monkeys their howl can be heard 2 miles in the forest and 3 miles in the open. There are about 260 species of monkeys in the world. The pigmy marmoset has a body thats only 100 cm long making it the smallest monkey in the world. Monkeys can curl their tail around a branch to help them balance while hunting for insects and nuts. 

Sunday 3 November 2013


Parrots can live  20-30 years old. All parrots eyes are dark brown and a beak that is an extremely pale shad of yellow. Young parrots look exactly the same. A parrots main color is green and they sometimes have grey markings on the forehead and cheeks that extend to the chest. These birds live in South America also parts of Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay and Paraguay. A parrot is approximately 11inches tall and weighs an average of 90-120 grams. Parrots can lay there eggs when they're only 2 years old.