Thursday 26 September 2013


Male lions are the only ones with manes female lions don't have manes. There is such thing as a white lions but their really really rare.A male lions roar can be heard from 5 miles away!! A group of lions is called a pride. A female lion is called a lioness. The largest lion that ever lived was 11 feet and 700 pounds. A lions average life span is 13 years. Females will often stay with the pride but male lions get driven out. After eating a lion may have a drink for 20 miutes.      

Monday 23 September 2013

Snow Leopard

There are  two types of leopards one is the snow leopard and one is the normal leopard if you look up leopard on safari or firefox and click images at the top you'll see a normal leopard. Let us get into 
 facts. Snow leopards are really rare there is only 3,000-10,000 that's not that much more in the wild.Head and body length is 47-59 inches. The tail is is 31-39 inches long. Snow leopards have lived up to 21 years in captivity. They might be extinct in the next 5-8 years.Snow leopards are endangered. Snow leopards do not roar. Snow leopards eat wild sheep, wild boar, gazelles, hares, markhor, tahr, marmots, mice and deer. Snow leopards live in the  mountains of Asia. Snow leopards are able to jump 50 feet. They 60 to 120lbs (27 to 54kg). Their eyes are pale green or gray. The female snow leopard is about 30% smaller male snow leopard.The snow leopards scientific name is panthera uncia.   

Sunday 22 September 2013


Sea otters spend eight hours eating. Brown otters look different then sea otters because sea otters face is white and the brown otters face is brown (brown otters are actually just called otters).  They take five to six hours grooming and eleven hours just sleeping and resting. Sea otters can dive up to  fifty meters. Sea otters can grow up to five meters long and they can weigh up to seventy pounds. Sea otters are known to eat fifty different types of food.  

Tuesday 17 September 2013


Giraffes can grow up to 18 feet in height with a neck length of up to 6 feet. This makes them the
tallest land mammals. To help prevent attacks from predators giraffes usually sleep while standing up. Most of their time is spent eating. They consume a whopping 75lbs of food per day. 

Barn owls

Like most other owls I am mostly nocturnal. I can fly without making a sound. I like to eat rodents I can eat 1000 a year. Due to my excellent hearing I can catch my prey in complete darkness. I usually eat my food hole then regurgitate the leftovers. I don't like to hoot like other owls do but I do have a shrill scream. I like to live in open areas. I come in 40-50 different species. I usually live 1-2 years.

Sunday 15 September 2013


Elephants give themselves baths with their trunks. Elephants wiegh six to four tons. Elephants have 40,000 muscles in their trunk. Elephants are the only animal that can't jump. The Asian elephant is smaller then the African elephant.The African elephant's ears are shaped as Africa. Elephants can grow to be 13 feet tall. The elephant's life span is 60 to 70 years. Elephant's ears are very big but their hearing is very poor. Elephants like to cool off in muddy water (they are drinking it). Elephants are the largest land animal. Elephants consume as much as 495 pounds of food a day.

Wednesday 11 September 2013


Did you know that the kangaroos tail helps it jump. Kangaroos can jump up to nine to ten feet high! The longest recorded distance hopped is forty feet with twenty five to thirty feet being average. Kangaroos can hop at a rate of twenty to thirty mph!

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Polar bears

Polar bears fur is white but their skin is black and they can run up to 25mph (that's pretty fast). Polar bears are the largest carnivore found on land.  The male polar bears are about twice the size of the females. Polar bears eat seals.The arctic sea is melting so polar bears might be extinct in the next century. Many people think that polar bears are left handed but there is no scientific evidence about this. Baby polar bears are much whiter than the adults. Polar bears swim twice the speed as they walk.

Sunday 8 September 2013


Toucans are native to southern Mexico, central America and the Northern part of South America and the Caribbean region. They generally live in tropical and sub tropical regions they make their nests in tree hollows and holes by other animals such as woodpeckers.  

Bald eagle

Bald eagles can have their baby when they are 9 years old. Both parents incubate the egg. Bald eagles can live to be 20 years in the wild. The female bald eagle is bigger than the male bald eagle.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Biggest big cat

Did you know that a liger is a tiger and lion mixed and it is the biggest big cat. The males grow up to 3 to 3.5m.

Piwakawaka (common fantail!)

Some species of fantails their tail is bigger than their body. In most species their tail is longer than their wings. They got their name because their tail looks like a fan.    


Banana slugs are often bright yellow but they can also be green, brown or white. Some slugs have black spots which may be so big that the slug looks like it's black. 

Sunday 1 September 2013

Coconut octopus

The octopus can camouflage it's self. The octopi's cousin is the squid and it can squirt out ink.